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Julie Winston

Julie began her career in Washington, D.C. in membership and fundraising, helping large regional and national nonprofit organizations attract supporters and build robust donor programs. A return to New York facilitated a professional move to corporate advertising. There, Julie led accounts for clients in financial services, telecommunications, and healthcare, while also driving new business development for her agencies. A move to Austin, Texas saw Julie return to public service at the local level. At Austin Public Library, Julie was a passionate advocate for minority and underserved communities and helped a diverse customer base use technological tools to gain better access to materials, information, services, and educational programs.

Julie holds a BA in Liberal Arts from George Washington University, and a MS in Information Security and Privacy from the University of Texas at Austin. Julie is looking forward to continuing her public service at the federal level through the U.S. Digital Corps. She will put her expertise in data privacy, information security, advocacy, and communications to work to make government more equitable and accessible to all.

Julie is excited to return to Washington, D.C. and rediscover the many delights of this magical city!

What Inspired You To Join The U.S. Digital Corps?

"The Digital Corps presented the perfect opportunity for me to put my education into practice, be a champion of good data ethics and governance, and make a meaningful contribution advocating for the public and my community. I hope my efforts will serve people well and help to build more trust in government."

Fun Fact:

Julie is a huge film and television fan! For years she hosted a Rob Reiner Film Festival, complete with screenings of the entire Rob Reiner directorial oeuvre, movie-related food, and an Oscars-like “Meathead Awards” ceremony. Mr. Reiner was invited, and while he did not attend, he graciously sent a personal note expressing his surprise and delight to be honored in this way, (and that he thought they were a little nuts to be doing this.)

An official website of GSA’s Technology Transformation Services