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Ashwini Shankar

Ashwini previously worked as a Senior Data Integration Specialist at an EdTech software company focused on supporting students who are English learners. She graduated from Tufts University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.A. in International Relations with a concentration in International Security. Ashwini is passionate about using technology for social impact as well as its intersection with ethics and policy.

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Ashwini enjoys hiking, trying new foods, and watching football in her free time.

What Inspired You To Join The U.S. Digital Corps?

"I have always been interested in technology for social good. The Digital Corps perfectly matches what I wanted to do with my degree and skillset, and it seemed like an incredible opportunity to make meaningful change because working in government provides a chance to have a broad impact and support policy-making through technology."

Fun Fact:

Ashwini is a twin!

An official website of GSA’s Technology Transformation Services